Akelare, i skuggan av de andra.
Jag ska åka tillbaka snart. Till de mytomspunna MAMA - Mugaritz, Arzak, Martin Berasategui och Akelare i San Sebastian. Många gör kanske som jag, rätt eller fel, bokar in allihopa och försöker sedan separera upplevelser och mat och det är fruktansvärt svårt att lyckas hålla sig klartänkt, att behålla alla intryck. Själv fick jag för mig att Akelare var svagast, att det blev för mycket trixande med tekniker och för många smaker som skulle få plats på tallriken. Lekfullheten hade gått över i nån form av hysteri. Tyckte jag då. Mugaritz var också kreativt, men inom gränserna. Arzak var så varmt, välkomnade och självsäkert. Inte lika crazy som Akelare och Mugaritz, inte alls. På Martin Berasategui var det fokus på smakerna, tekniken kom lite i skymundan och den stela matsalen och tråkiga servitörer och läget långt utanför stan fick ingen möjlighet att påverka mitt betyg i negativ riktning. Det här var så bra, så kraftfullt och skickligt att jag placerade Martin Berasategui framför de båda A:na i San Sebastian. Sen har jag hört mycket om Akelare, i efterhand och nu vill jag göra om det, hela resan, fast börja där jag slutade sist. Nollställa allt. Ge alla en chans till. Antagligen snart, eftersom jag inte kan vänta längre. Lyssna bara: Roast dover sole with clam oil, citric fruit, black mint, dry tangerine and nut powder. Det var på Martin Berasategui. På bilden är det Pedro Subijana på Akelare som varit framme och lekt med råvarorna.
Akelare, in the shadow of the others.
I'm about to return. To the mythical MAMA - Mugaritz, Arzak, Martin Berasategui and Akelare in San Sebastian. Maybe lots of people do like me, rightly or wrongly, book all of them and then try to separate experiences and food when it's so difficult to keep a clear mind and retain all impressions. Personally I thought that Akelare was the weakest, there was too much experimenting with different techniques and that the plate was too crowded with different tastes. The playfulness had turned into a kind of hysteria. That's what I thought then. Mugaritz was also creative, but without pushing the boundaries. Arzak was so warm, welcoming and self-assured. Not as crazy as Akelare and Mugaritz, not at all.
The focus was all on tastes at Martin Berasategui, technique came second and the formal dinner-room with boring waiters, the location way outside town didn’t negatively affect my grade. This was so good, so powerful and skilful that I placed Martin Berasategui ahead of the two As in San Sebastian. Since then, I've heard lots of good things about Akelare, and now I want to do it all over again, the entire trip. But start where I ended the last time. Reset everything. Give everyone a second chance. Probably soon, because I can't wait much longer. Just listen to this: Roast dover sole with clam oil, citric fruit, black mint, dry tangerine and nut powder. That was at Martin Berasategui.
(In the picture, Pedro Subijana at Akelare experimenting with ingredients).
I'm about to return. To the mythical MAMA - Mugaritz, Arzak, Martin Berasategui and Akelare in San Sebastian. Maybe lots of people do like me, rightly or wrongly, book all of them and then try to separate experiences and food when it's so difficult to keep a clear mind and retain all impressions. Personally I thought that Akelare was the weakest, there was too much experimenting with different techniques and that the plate was too crowded with different tastes. The playfulness had turned into a kind of hysteria. That's what I thought then. Mugaritz was also creative, but without pushing the boundaries. Arzak was so warm, welcoming and self-assured. Not as crazy as Akelare and Mugaritz, not at all.
The focus was all on tastes at Martin Berasategui, technique came second and the formal dinner-room with boring waiters, the location way outside town didn’t negatively affect my grade. This was so good, so powerful and skilful that I placed Martin Berasategui ahead of the two As in San Sebastian. Since then, I've heard lots of good things about Akelare, and now I want to do it all over again, the entire trip. But start where I ended the last time. Reset everything. Give everyone a second chance. Probably soon, because I can't wait much longer. Just listen to this: Roast dover sole with clam oil, citric fruit, black mint, dry tangerine and nut powder. That was at Martin Berasategui.
(In the picture, Pedro Subijana at Akelare experimenting with ingredients).
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