Göteborg, den 14 mars 2009.
Göteborg, 14 March 2009.
A study in knowing how to but not wanting to.
First of all: I believe that Ulf Wagner is making a mistake if he tries to renounce his star status and beg for culinary immunity. I perfectly understand the economic aspect and that it's probably tough right now when the business sector led by Volvo reduces corporate entertainment and when the phone stops ringing. Now I sincerely hope that the letter that Wagner wrote to Guide Michelin, where he explains his new approach never got there in time and that he gets to keep his star. Because this is good, in places really good. Like the starter with razor clam, cod's cheek and sashimi made of salmon, sea coral, sesame crunch, lime and coconut. Definitely lots of ingredients, but they find each other and sweet love appears and I just have to say this is brave and courage should be rewarded, Good! The main course isn't as brave, rather the opposite, it's a hake with squid-pasta and a tomato terrine and here the kitchen has been fairly modest.
Then, as a pre-dessert, we're given a meringue that’s been lowered down in fluid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees and despite the outdated chemistry trick (which hopefully we've seen the last of in the restaurant scene), the small lollipops are stuffed with humour as well as taste. Finally, a crème brûlée with a fresh blackcurrant and passion fruit sorbet. When we're waiting for the bill, a photographer and journalist from GP approach us, sit down and ask us what we think about Basement becoming more simple and folksy and we're given the chance to express our opinion: Basement is in the need of a facelift, maybe new uniforms, new crockery and a lick of paint, everything feels slightly past its time. But when it comes to the kitchen, they've found their style and it feels very safe, self-assured and focused on tastes. I hope it stays that way, whether or not you get to keep the star.
En studie i att kunna, men inte vilja.
För det första: jag tror att Ulf Wagner begår ett misstag om han försöker avsäga sig sin stjärnstatus och be om kulinarisk immunitet. Jag har full förståelse för den ekonomiska aspekten och det är säkert jobbigt när näringslivet med Volvo i spetsen drar ner på representation och när telefonen slutar ringa. Nu hoppas jag innerligt att brevet som Wagner skrev till Guide Michelin där han berättar om sin nya inriktning, inte hann komma fram i tid och att han får behålla sin stjärna. För det här är bra, fläckvis riktigt bra. Som förrätten med knivmussla, torskkind och sashimi på lax, sjökorall, sesamcrunch, lime och kokos. Många ingredienser, absolut, men de finner varandra och kärlek uppstår och jag måste säga att det är modigt och mod ska belönas. Bra! Varmrätten är inte lika modig, tvärtom, det är en kummel med bläckfiskpasta och en terrine på tomater och här har köket snålat med ambitionerna.
Sen, som pre-dessert får vi en maräng som fått dyka ner i flytande kväve på minus 196 grader och trots det slitna kemitricket (som snart har gjort sitt på restaurangscenen får vi hoppas) är de små klubborna fullproppade av såväl humor som smak. Slutligen, en crème brûlée med fräsch sorbet på svarta vinbär och passionsfrukt. När vi väntar på notan kommer en fotograf och en journalist från GP fram, slår sig ner och frågar vad vi tycker om att Basement vill bli enklare och folkligare och då får vi chansen att säga vad vi tycker: Basement skulle behöva en ansiktslyftning, kanske nya uniformer, nytt porslin och ny färg på väggarna, allt känns faktiskt aningen eftersatt. Men vad köket beträffar har man hittat sin stil och det känns väldigt stabilt, självsäkert och smakfokuserat. Hoppas det förblir så, oavsett om ni får behålla stjärnan eller lämna den ifrån er.
Göteborg, 14 March 2009.
A study in knowing how to but not wanting to.
First of all: I believe that Ulf Wagner is making a mistake if he tries to renounce his star status and beg for culinary immunity. I perfectly understand the economic aspect and that it's probably tough right now when the business sector led by Volvo reduces corporate entertainment and when the phone stops ringing. Now I sincerely hope that the letter that Wagner wrote to Guide Michelin, where he explains his new approach never got there in time and that he gets to keep his star. Because this is good, in places really good. Like the starter with razor clam, cod's cheek and sashimi made of salmon, sea coral, sesame crunch, lime and coconut. Definitely lots of ingredients, but they find each other and sweet love appears and I just have to say this is brave and courage should be rewarded, Good! The main course isn't as brave, rather the opposite, it's a hake with squid-pasta and a tomato terrine and here the kitchen has been fairly modest.
Then, as a pre-dessert, we're given a meringue that’s been lowered down in fluid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees and despite the outdated chemistry trick (which hopefully we've seen the last of in the restaurant scene), the small lollipops are stuffed with humour as well as taste. Finally, a crème brûlée with a fresh blackcurrant and passion fruit sorbet. When we're waiting for the bill, a photographer and journalist from GP approach us, sit down and ask us what we think about Basement becoming more simple and folksy and we're given the chance to express our opinion: Basement is in the need of a facelift, maybe new uniforms, new crockery and a lick of paint, everything feels slightly past its time. But when it comes to the kitchen, they've found their style and it feels very safe, self-assured and focused on tastes. I hope it stays that way, whether or not you get to keep the star.
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